Do you have EnerChi?

Do you find yourself feeling sluggish these days? Are you finding that your third cup of coffee is still not enough to cut through that brain fog? You might be in need of a good old fashioned detox!

Every day, our bodies consume trace amounts of toxins, whether we realize it or not. It’s only when the symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, and nausea present themselves that we finally catch on.

Normally, when you think of the word “detox” you’re thinking of painstaking starvation for weeks on end. Well, with just one serving per day, EnerChi is a superfood meal in itself. Made into a smoothie or mixed with 8 ounces of pure water, EnerChi will gives you the energy you need naturally. Whether you’re looking for a pick me up or looking to flush out toxins from your body, we’ve got the ultimate superfood blend for you!

With just 1-2 tablespoons added to your daily smoothie, you’re providing your body with not only a detoxification of harmful toxins; you’re also feeding your body a complex blend of

• Various algae
• Phytonutrients & enzymes
• Mushrooms & herbal extracts
• Green juices
• Natural antioxidants
• Essential fatty acids

This powerful and delicious blend will give you a sustainable boost of energy, as well as bring the glow your natural beauty from the inside out!