

I had a sample of Starflower's Skindance Moisturizer and my 4 year old daughter, Alyssa kept sneaking some and putting it on her face. I repeatedly told her that was Mommy's special face stuff and very expensive. No matter where I put it she would climb and sneak it again. I scolded her her and she squealed " Mommy, it's the only time in my whole life that my face doesnt hurt !" Wow! my child with eczema finally found relief. She gets a bottle of her very own.

- Christine Osouricki


 First Smoothie...Delicious! I made a small one. 1 cup almond milk, half banana, and 1 healping tbs. of EnerChi Superfood . It was great! Surprisingly filling. I didn't even want coffee after, it tasted like it was made from fresh greens! EnerChi is a winner!



“What I’ve sampled of your products…I love it! I never thought I’d find anything with the quality was as good as European skin care that I use. I think yours is superior. Starflower is absolutely wonderful!” 

-E’elah, Arizona


I visited Starflower Organic Spathecary for facials with Vera for many years, and the difference in my skin is incredible! Starflower products exceeded my expectations of organic skin care in every way.  I also experienced a luxurious organic manicure and pedicure treatment that was exceptional in both the relaxing environment and pampered service. The therapist are very knowledgeable and dedicated to the utmost in holistic care.  


-Lynn Gorton, Florida


My friend gave me a basket of your products for Christmas and I have fallen in LOVE! So far I have the Lavender Intensive Moisturizer, Bright Eyes Creme, Oxy gel Night Repair,  Lavender Petalets, and the Clary Sea Face Mask- I have noticed a tremendous difference in my skin- I have tried what seems like a million products in the past few years and Starflower has been the only line of products that have made a noticeable difference. MY ENLARGED PORES are no LONGER ENLARGED! I am amazed that my skin has changed so much in the short period of time I have been using. I cannot wait to try the Lavender cleanser and the Skindance moisturizer! 

-Tara Deffes


Last night I could not sleep. I was so excited about the Moringa Herbal Shampoo and Conditioner. I kept touching my hair. It feels so silky smooth and smells divine.

-Tetyana, Harmony Spa, Canada


I'm a beliver...I started using BioDynamic SPF 22 last year for a winter holiday. I liked it but wondered what it would be like to use on a daily basis. I suffer from Rosacea and have spent a lot of money on products that didnt deliver. I decided to use this sunscreen on a daily basis this summer and it is now my only sunscreen and moisturizer. No breakouts, no flare-ups and with occasional re-application, no sunburn. I'm also benefiting from the other products in this line too! Miracles do happen! Thanks Starflower

- Adele, Toronto, Canada


Have to tell you, I owned a salon for 22 years, this is the most wonderful line I have ever encountered! I love it!

- Mary Ellen O.


I have had cyst type bumps on my face for years. Enlarged pores filled with hardened fat that the dermatologist wouldn't surgically remove because she was afraid of scarring. Starflower came to the rescue and how. A qualified rep suggested steaming and masking once every week for the first month along with the Acne Clear. I used Herbal Facial Steam and Clary Sea Face Mask only twice and my bumps are totally gone after tolerating them for years! Following that with Acne Clear has done the trick. In my opinion, Starflower is the most potent, effective and vital skin care I've ever used in my life. People ask me what I've done, my skin looks transformed. I just smile and say Starflower...The Living Skin Care Company.

- Maria Teddar Austin, TX


Dearest, dearest Starflower, your Lime Orange moisturizer relieved me from 15 years of ongoing skin problems--a miracle that professionals, dermatologists and the faithful morning and night application of harsh chemicals could never perform. I can never thank you enough! Thank you again, and blessings to you.

- Jessica K.


From the first time we touched and smelled Starflower Essentials Organic Skin Care's products, we knew we had found the best skin care line available. The essential oils are so pure, you can really smell the difference. They dance on your senses! Starflower Essentials is more than simple skin care, it is pure food for the body, mind and the spirit. Our estheticians have achieved results with Starflower that we have not seen from ANY other product line on the market.

- Providence Day Spa, Brooklyn, NY


Starflower products have dramatically changed my skin, within a matter of days. My skin is now softer and cleaner and glows from morning to night.

- Tracy Brown, Boulder, CO


I just wanted to say thank you! I can't believe the difference in my face after using your products!! My skin looks and feels healthier! Being very fair-skinned, I was always accused of being ill. Now even co-workers notice the difference in my skin. Thanks so much.

- N.M., Great Barrington, Massachusetts


I am very particular about the what I choose to use on my skin and in my body. I do not like chemicals and am disgusted at most companies for allowing their products to be made with toxic ingredients. A friend showed me the Starflower web site and told me they are free of such toxic chemicals as parabens, propyls and lauryl sulfates. I had only found four other companies that I can buy products from . . . and now Starflower
I want to tell you that out of all the companies I am leaning toward liking Starflower the best. Certainly your pricing is very competitive, or even less expensive than similar products, but that isn't the reason. Your products just feel good and smell good and work well for me. I am very pleased to have found you in a world of not-so-wonderful products. I thank you for bringing these wonderful products to our world and to me.

- D.S., Valley Cottage, NY


I was recollecting, with friends at a New Year's gathering, all the things for which I am grateful from the previous year. SkinDance Face Moisturizer was one of the top on my list. My skin looks perfectly balanced, supple, smooth, and really has never looked so good. Thank you, Starflower!

- Lorie Abraham, Professional Quarters, Ontario, Oregon


There aren't words to tell you what a difference your products have made. My face is so different. I'm not even wearing face makeup anymore. . . . I don't want to cover it up!

- Dottie O'Neill, Phoenix, AZ